Arts and Humanities

Gift expands Ackland’s conservation efforts

An anonymous gift endows a full-time, 北卡罗莱纳最大的纸上艺术收藏的永久保管员.

Grace White, conservator of art on paper at the Ackland Art Museum, in the conservation studio (Photo by Jon Gardiner, UNC-Chapel Hill)

格蕾丝·怀特是世界上少数几个被允许亲手处理伦勃朗原画和其他无价艺术品的人之一. 作为阿克兰艺术博物馆纸上艺术品的保管员, she is caretaker for Ackland’s 17,500 works of art on paper. 她帮助为后代保存大量的艺术品, working in a studio to repair damage to drawings, watercolors, manuscripts and prints.

阿克兰是该州最大的纸上艺术收藏品的所在地, 纸上艺术品占博物馆永久藏品的80%左右. 阿克兰博物馆在20世纪80年代末开设了一个修复工作室,并聘请了一名修复员,是一流公立大学艺术博物馆中的先驱. While Ackland’s conservation needs are great, that position has, for budgetary reasons, always been part-time.

That’s about to change, however, 感谢一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨捐赠,使这个职位得以实现, creating the Dr. Ian Morgan Happer Conservator for Art on Paper. The gift honors the late Dr. Ian Happer, a prominent Denver neurologist. It will be paid out over five years, 最终使阿克兰拥有一个全职的纸面艺术品保护人员,并确保这个职位永久安全.

“兼职做这份工作很有挑战性, considering the Ackland’s vast conservation needs,” said Carolyn Allmendinger, 阿克兰的临时主任兼教育和口译主任. “自被收购以来,我们有一长串艺术品一直在等待关注. 兼职时间的限制减慢了工作速度,也可能破坏工作流程. 将纸张保存员的角色扩展为全职职位,将确保阿克兰的纸质艺术品收藏——其收藏的最大份额——得到所需的关注.”

“有一个修复工作室和一个合格的内部修复师, the Ackland goes beyond the basics of art conservation,” said Peter Nisbet, deputy director for curatorial affairs. “这项工作不仅仅是清洁和修理的问题. 准确地理解一件艺术品是如何制作的,以及它的存在随着时间的推移是如何影响它的外观的,这是一个很好的工具, 特别是在教导学生仔细观察艺术和理解艺术作品不仅仅是屏幕上的图像. 拥有一名全职管理员将使我们的正式和非正式教学范围最大化.”

而未来的全职修复师有一排等待修复的艺术品, that’s far from their only focus at the Ackland. The conservator teaches guest lectures to Carolina classes; serves as a resource to students who are interested in careers in art conservation or at museums; advises preparators and art handlers on safe handling and exhibiting of artworks; engages with the public through blog posts and studio tours; and assists other museums, 图书馆和档案馆通过教学研讨会和提供有关纸上艺术品的建议.

这份礼物的影响将遍及整个州甚至更远的地方. Through the Ackland Exchange program, 博物馆向其他历史上为少数民族服务的博彩平台大学系统学校出借展览, free of charge. Additionally, 阿克兰博物馆向其他国家和国际博物馆借出艺术品——博彩平台艺术博物馆, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Asia Society Museum, and the Louvre, to name a few — as well as traveling exhibitions. 阿克兰还通过知识共享为国家服务, 在其他博物馆举办研讨会,以确保其藏品的未来.

“We’re so thankful to this donor, 他的慷慨使阿克兰能够在全州乃至更远的地方长期扩大其保护工作的能力,” said Allmendinger.